
Poduzeće Presenta Nova u svom poslovanju brine o okolišu i uvijek se trudi razvijati nove, ekološki prihvatljive proizvode. Tako u izradi svog novog proizvoda: UniLock polica, koristimo aluminijske panele i akrilne ploče te se oba navedena materijala mogu u potpunosti reciklirati.

Police koje se na tržištu trenutno koriste u prodaji naočala i okvira za naočale često imaju staklene površine koje zatvaraju panel u svrhu zaštite proizvoda od krađe. Takav način prezentacije proizvoda iziskuje dodatne materijale u proizvodnji polica kako bi se proizvodi zaštitili od krađe.

UniLock police imaju integrirani sustav zaključavanja s držačima okvira koji se mogu zaključati. Ovaj sustav omogućuje istovremeno otvaranje i zaključavanje svih držača okvira na jednoj polici. Sustav zaključavanja može se kontrolirati daljinskim upravljačem iz daljine ili ručno pomoću magnetski kodiranog ključa i tipke.

Kod UniLock polica zato nije potrebna dodatna zaštita u obliku staklene površine, što znači da se u proizvodnji ovakvih polica koristi znatno manja količina materijala. Uz zaštitu proizvoda od krađe, korištenje materijala koji se mogu reciklirati te uštedu materijala, dodatna prednost UniLock polica je što kupac izravno može dotaknuti i opipati proizvod te se na taj način lakše odlučiti na kupnju.



We in Presenta Nova take great care of the environment and we always try to develop new, environmentally friendly products. Thus, in the creation of our new product: the UniLock shelf, we use aluminum and acrylic panels, and both of these materials can be completely recycled.

The shelves currently used in the market for the sale of eyewear often have glass surfaces that close the panel in order to protect the product from theft. Such a way of product presentation requires additional materials in the production of shelves in order to protect the products from theft.

UniLock shelves have an integrated locking system with lockable frame holders. This system provides simultaneous opening and locking of all the frame holders on one shelf. Locking system can be controlled with a remote control from distance, or manually with a magnetic-coded key and button.

UniLock shelves therefore do not require additional protection in the form of a glass surface, which means that a significantly smaller amount of material is used in the production of such shelves. Besides protecting the product from theft, using recyclable materials and saving materials, an additional advantage of UniLock shelves is that the customer can directly touch and feel the product, thus making it easier to decide on a purchase.

Our Offices

Presenta Nova d.o.o. Croatia

Puževa 7
10020 Zagreb
t +385 1 6524 048
f +385 1 6524 049
e [email protected]

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Presenta Nova GmbH Germany

Industriestraße 35
68169 Mannheim
t +49 (0) 621 7245 0040
f +49 (0) 621 7245 0042
e [email protected]

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Presenta Nova Inc. New York City

116 West 23rd Street
New York City, NY 10011
t +1 888 959 1471
f +1 888 959 1471
e [email protected]

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Copyright 2025 Presenta Nova | Design by: north2


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